The following are real case studies provided by Resolve, a Centre of Excellence solely focused upon community safety and antisocial behaviour. The names of people and personal details have been removed to protect identities.
Case study 1: Anita and Andrew had been immediate neighbours for over two years and got on very well. Anita would occasionally cook for Andrew, and he had helped Anita with her decorating. They were very good neighbours. Things however changed towards the end of the year when Anita got involved with, in her own words, a 'bad crowd'. Numerous visitors coming and going from her house caused a nuisance by making a lot of noise. Read more...
Case study 2: The landlord was told about a resident living in the community who would come home drunk, play loud music at night and use abusive language towards neighbours. The landlord made arrangements to get all the neighbours together to talk about their problems and how the situation was affecting their quality of life. To resolve this situation, the landlord's antisocial behaviour team decided to use a restorative approach to mediation to try and resolve the issue. Read more...
Case study 3: Annie was the sole tenant of a property. Annie was in a relationship with another person who resided at the address but was not on the tenancy. There were regular violent domestics between the pair, causing disturbance and distress to neighbours, resulting in 4-5 calls to police a week, sometimes daily. Both were alcohol dependant. Annie stated that their partner was verbally abusive and that they wanted them removed from the property. However, when police arrived, Annie refused to make any allegations. Annie's children were taken into care several years ago. A referral to a multi-agency risk assessment conference had also been made. Read more...
Case study 4: John is resident Julie's neighbour. The nuisance started almost immediately following John moving into his flat above. The flats are sheltered housing for the over 55's and are supervised by a scheme manager during the day. Some of the residents witnessed John's behaviour and feel that he is trying to bully or intimidate Julie in the flat below. Read more...
Case study 5: An operative attended a leak in a house late one evening. They reported to their manager some concerns for a new baby and an 18-month old child when they witnessed people openly taking Class A drugs in Emily's house in front of the children and incidents of antisocial behaviour. A safeguarding referral was made, and the landlord worked directly with the Child Protection Team and the Family Social Worker. They updated them about the Child Protection Plan already in place. Read more...
Case study 6: Jessica contacted her landlord to raise an antisocial behaviour complaint. She had returned home to find Janice shouting and ranting outside the block in which they lived. Jessica sat in her car to avoid that. Janice approached her car, pulled her from it and assaulted her. Read more...