Volunteer Recognition Awards 2024

Our Volunteer Recognition Awards celebrate volunteers and groups who go above and beyond for their communities. We want to recognise the hard work and commitment of all our volunteers, who make this a better place to live. Together.

This year, our Volunteer Recognition Awards are sponsored by SimpliSafe, one of our key partners!

Nominations for the 2024 Awards are now closed. We will now be shortlisting submissions, and will award the winners of the five Award categories at our National Conference in September.

This year, there will be two additional award categories joining the existing three - the full list of award categories are as follows:

  • Innovation and Reach
  • Crime Prevention
  • Community Health and Wellbeing
  • Young Volunteer of the Year
  • Special Recognition Award

You can read the criteria for each category below.


Innovation and Reach

This category celebrates the diversity of ways we work within communities and increase our reach.

Do you know a Coordinator or Neighbourhood Watch group who have overcome challenges to grow their group? They might have thought of a unique way to connect with others or have created effective new partnerships. They might have considered an innovative way to encourage new members to join or ensure diversity and inclusion shine through. Are there neighbours that traditionally would not have joined but did because they helped them feel included? Did the nominee find a way to reach groups and communities whose voices are seldom heard?

Crime Prevention

This category celebrates volunteers who support their neighbours to be stronger, more resilient, and safer by raising awareness of crime prevention.

Do you know of a Coordinator or Neighbourhood Watch group who have done something different to help prevent crime? Do people feel safer from something they were involved in and want to recognise the Coordinator or group for their actions? Are there examples of how working with partners helped prevent crime? Has the Coordinator or group raised awareness of crimes in different ways to encourage the whole community to be involved?

Community Health and Wellbeing

This category celebrates Neighbourhood Watch groups and Coordinators who have gone the extra mile to look out for the needs of their neighbours and neighbourhood.

How do you and your neighbours feel about your area? Do you look after your local environment? Do you support each other through life's ups and downs or those who are more vulnerable? In many towns and streets, Neighbourhood Watch helps neighbours look out for each other, look after their environment, and feel optimistic about where they live. This helps to reduce crime. Do you know of a Neighbourhood Watch group or Coordinator who encourages positive community values? Do they include people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities in activities? Do they show compassion, empathy, and kindness? Do they help local people to feel better about their area?

Young Volunteer of the Year

This category celebrates young volunteers aged 16 - 24 years old, who have been making a difference in their neighbourhood and community.

Do you know a young person who has been volunteering with Neighbourhood Watch and making a positive impact in their community? Maybe they've been holding fundraising activities with their school or college, or have supported organising litter picks, street parties or other events. Do you think this young volunteer deserves to be recognised for their hard work and commitment to Neighbourhood Watch?

Special Recognition Award

This category celebrates a Neighbourhood Watch volunteer who has gone above and beyond to make a difference in their neighbourhood or area.

Do you know a volunteer who has exceeded standard day-to-day expectations, and has committed their time and efforts towards improving their area and the life of their community? This person may have been volunteering with Neighbourhood Watch for a number of years, or they may be a fantastic asset to your community but do not fall into the other Award categories.  This award could recognise the work of a Neighbourhood Watch Association or committee member that has supported you and deserves the recognition.  It could be a Cyberhood Watch Ambassador that has gone the extra mile to support communities against being victims of online scams.  The only stipulation for this category is that the person or group is a Neighbourhood Watch Volunteer or group.


Read about our Volunteer Recognition Awards 2023 winners here.