As a charity, we support local Neighbourhood Watch groups and 90,000 volunteers across England and Wales. We do this with only a small staff team of less than 10 people. As with any charity, we need funding to continue the great work we do and support communities to prevent crime and thrive. You can see more about the difference we make within communities and individual lives in our annual impact reports. We rely on your generosity so we can keep making a difference.  

There are simply ways in which you could help fund us today. You could choose to shop with us, join our lottery or make a regular or once off donation. Every small contribution helps.

To find out more about other ways to work with us, click here.

We are making this a better place to live. Together.


We run ongoing community projects such as Cyberhood Watch. Follow the link to find out more about each project and ways you can take part. 


People join Neighbourhood Watch for many different reasons, whether it is to improve safety around their home or to become part of a group and meet new people. It is widely regarded that being part of Neighbourhood Watch can:

  • Reduce / prevent local crime and disorder
  • Reduce fear of crime
  • Address issues relating to antisocial behaviour
  • Create safer neighbourhoods
  • Build community spirit and cohesion
  • Reassure members of the public
  • Enhance partnership working with other community groups
  • Assist in the detection and apprehension of criminals through members providing information to the police
  • Improve quality of life and the local environment

Whether you are thinking about joining, already a member or leading a scheme or an Association we have a range of crime prevention advice, and support materials to suit your needs.


Find out more about the Community Safety Charter

The aim of the Community Safety Charter is to involve a wider range of local organisations, charities, businesses and groups in crime prevention activity and extend the scope of this work towards the goal of eliminating harassment, antisocial behaviour, and intimidation experienced by anyone who lives, works, studies, or visits anywhere in England and Wales. The Community Safety Charter is a means by which Neighbourhood Watch members, local residents, businesses, and organisations, agree to do whatever they can together to provide an environment that is safer for everyone. Find out more here.