We were delighted to celebrate the hard work and positive impact that the 2023 award winners have had in their communities, at our 2023 Conference. Thank you to Patlock who sponsored this wonderful event - every winner was delighted to receive their award and recognition for their hard work.
This category celebrates the diversity of ways we work within communities and increase our reach.
Peter's unique and infectious approach to engaging in new build areas in his district and signing up thousands of new members is magnificent.
Peter was so humbled to receive his award and we were so happy to give this award to a very well deserved winne
CRIME PREVENTION - Supporting Sisters
This category celebrates volunteers who support their neighbours to be stronger, more resilient, and safer by raising awareness of crime prevention.
Samia and her fellow Supporting Sisters received this award for the work they do in supporting members of the community where English is not their first language and help them understand how to prevent crime as one of the many topics they cover.
COMMUNITY HEALTH AND WELLBEING - Fairfield Village Neighbourhood Watch
This category celebrates Neighbourhood Watch groups and Coordinators who have gone the extra mile to look out for the needs of their neighbours and neighbourhood.
Since its founding in 2016, the Community Association (also a verified NHW Group) delivers many initiatives that enhances community cohesion, reduces loneliness & social isolation, improves mental, physical & social well-being and supports the local environment.