Case study 5
An operative attended a leak in a house late one evening. They reported to their manager some concerns for a new baby and an 18-month old child when they witnessed people in Emily's house openly taking Class A drugs in front of the children and incidents of antisocial behaviour.
A safeguarding referral was made, and the landlord worked directly with the Child Protection Team and the Family Social Worker. They updated them about the Child Protection Plan already in place.
Emily was interviewed at their property but denied the allegations surrounding the operatives visit but admitted she struggled to cope. It was agreed that the landlord would work with Emily to ensure she was safe from harm but gave her a clear warning about the conduct expected for her tenancy. Emily signed an Acceptable Behaviour Contract that included agreeing to make sure her visitors behaved and that she worked with child social services.
Emily also told her landlord she struggled to pay the rent and found if difficult to understand letters and how to use the benefit system. A Customer Support Team was appointed to help her make a claim online for Universal Credit to ensure the rent was paid directly to the landlord and helped Laura claim disability benefits.
During the following months, social services visited the property daily to investigate child neglect. Emily worked with them and attended talking therapy which helped her cope with the circumstances and challenges. No criminal investigation was pursued, and no further incidents have been reported at the address. Emily is now successfully managing her tenancy.