This section of our website is dedicated to young people who are concerned about crime, isolation, loneliness or who just want to make their communities a better place.
It is well known that young people (aged 16 - 24) are disproportionately more likely to be victims of crime. Despite this, statistics on campus crime are only patchily recorded by many UK universities and just a handful make the information available to would-be students. A recent article from UniFresher explores the "top 10 most dangerous universities in the UK for 2023" and looks at which are the most reported crimes on campus/ in student accommodation. Have a look at our How students are affected by crime page to learn more.
We ran a survey that with 2,565 respondents aged 16-24, and asked questions around crime and safety concerns, how involved with their local community they are and how valued and listened to they felt by local decision-makers. We also asked about their barriers to getting involved and what would make them more inclined to do so. We also ran 3 pilot task and action groups with 30 college and 12 university students, to help work through solutions to crime prevention or community resilience issues. Some findings from the survey that have helped shape our project and ensure it's fully informed by the real experiences of young people include:
- 84% of young people said they would act on crime prevention advice if it was given to them
- When we asked, "What do you think stops you from getting involved in decision-making in your local community?" - 47% said they wouldn't know where to start or that they hadn't been asked
- When we asked, "How do you think you could be better represented in decision-making in your local community?" - 57% said with more accessible information about local opportunities, such as volunteering, the work and opportunities with Neighbourhood Watch, tenants groups, etc.
- 41% said they would be keen to be part of an action group to solve local issues, while 33% said joining Neighbourhood Watch would be of interest to young people
- 64% said they felt that the Cost of Living crisis will increase crime in their area
If you want to get involved in your community you could consider becoming a Young People Consultant (find out more below) or join the Youth Council.
Young People Consultants
It’s important to us that Neighbourhood Watch is engaging and representative for young people. We want young people to have input into the decisions made at the charity, to ensure their role and voice within communities is heard. We are looking for young people aged 16 to 24 who are passionate about community activism, crime and safety, and working with others to become one of our Young People Consultants. As a group, you will help us ensure our content is young people-friendly, help us shape campaigns and projects that are aimed at young people, input into our strategy and policies, and challenge us wherever necessary. We are looking for leaders and shapers, critical friends and passionate advocates. In return, we will provide and support you with developing soft skills, a certificate of involvement, training where necessary, experience working with a proactive team, and testimonials for your CV. If you think this may be for you, contact us at to find out more.
Young voices, young perspectives - read blogs on safety from young people, for young people
- Read Lotte's blog on safety tips for young neurodiverse people
- Read Roismi's blog on scam-proofing your money and avoiding scammers
- Read Natalia's blog on hate crimes in UK schools
Are you experiencing loneliness or social isolation? Do you know someone who is?
Anyone can experience social isolation, but particular groups of young people or individuals can be at higher risk. The Office for National Statistics National Measurement of Loneliness 2018 report that younger adults (aged 16-24) were more likely to report being lonely compared to every older age group (every age group from 25-34 to 75+), and that women were more likely to report being lonely than men.
Going away to college or university for the first time can also be an isolating experience for some young people. Institutional cultures have traditionally been dominated by white middle-class males, and this can particularly make those who do not identify as part of this group feel out of place.
In 2019 we produced a Youth Isolation Toolkit and Reducing Loneliness and Vulnerability Toolkit to support Neighbourhood Watch volunteers to understand the problem of loneliness and isolation among young people, learn who is most at risk, and signpost them to some services and guidance that could help those young people. The toolkits provide resources to help volunteers spread the word about the issue, so that other members of the community, family members, friends or neighbours of young people, can help too.
Now we need YOUR help to create a toolkit written BY YOUNG PEOPLE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE experiencing loneliness or social isolation. If you think you can help, get in touch with us by contacting