Describe your best practice
An informal, but regular, opportunity for people to get specific technical help. Also provides an appealing platform (particularly for men, being a more difficult group to engage with) to help break down the barriers of isolation, known to have severe detrimental health effects, particularly to the elderly and vulnerable.

What did you do and why?
Originally set up by Age Friendly contact, Rob, who was involved with a Digital Champions campaign. Volunteers were trained but expected to provide their own opportunities to be an IT coach. With Good Vibes (local Good Neighbours Scheme) Rob set up T&T at a retirement complex and later, Beeston Tesco’s café with the assistance of their Community Champion. Through my involvement with both organisations, I set up a meeting to discuss possibility of rolling out across Nottinghamshire. Stakeholders included Inspire, Trading Standards, Co-op and Universities. From previous meetings we planned for Co-op to provide venue and Universities, the volunteers. However, it became apparent at the stakeholder meeting, NW couldn’t offer the support required for student volunteers the Universities needed. Fortunately, Inspire (NCC Culture, Learning & Libraries) stepped in as they already had the infrastructure as already offered other digital support. They commenced January 2019 in Beeston, Mansfield & Sutton-in-Ashfield libraries.

Duration of the project
March 2018 (NW involved) to January 2019 – Inspire roll out of pilot sessions in three areas

What worked well?
1. Collaboration – there were several stages to this process and all involved were able to offer different support. Ultimately, we hope the trail will be extended and university volunteers brought in and rolled out to include Co-op stores.

2. The informality of the offer. There are accredited courses available but older people just want the chance to pop in to discuss a particular problem with their phone/tablet and have a cuppa and a chat.

How did you overcome any challenges?
Trading Standards had a long list of concerns which we considered and addressed, as a team. Age Friendly provided a risk assessment.

How did you cover any costs?
£200 paid to Inspire to cover set up costs from our Police & Crime Commissioner funding.

Force/ Borough area

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