Thirty-five police and crime commissioners (PCCs) are to receive funding from a £25 million scheme to crack down on burglary and theft in crime hotspots, the Government has announced today.

 The Safer Streets Fund aims to stop offences that blight communities and cause misery to victims from happening in the first place.

Following a bidding process, grants of up to £550,000 will be provided to PCCs in England and Wales for projects to improve security in areas particularly affected by acquisitive crimes such as burglary, vehicle theft and robbery.

 The money will go towards measures proven to cut crime. These include simple changes to the design of streets such as locked gates around alleyways, increased street-lighting and the installation of CCTV.

 The funding will also be used to train community wardens, deliver local crime prevention advice to residents and establish Neighbourhood Watch schemes.


“I will not stand by while criminals inflict fear and misery on our communities.

“That is why I set up this fund to ensure we are doing all we can to prevent people falling victim to these crimes.”

Home Secretary Priti Patel

“Persistent street crime and burglary have a corrosive effect on a neighbourhood, leaving people apprehensive about leaving their homes, and afraid of what they might encounter when they return.

“But simple modifications like better street lighting or CCTV can do a lot to prevent crime.

“So alongside more focussed thief-taking by the police, these projects should have a big impact on the communities hardest hit by burglars, robbers and villains in general.”

Crime and Policing Minister, Kit Malthouse


“Today’s Safer Streets Fund announcement represents positive news for communities across England and Wales.

“This funding will support PCCs and their community safety partners to effectively deliver crime reduction activities that will prevent and reduce crimes such as burglary and robbery in the areas that need it most.”

Crime Prevention Leads from the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, Roger Hirst and Keith Hunter

Acquisitive offences are the crimes that the public are most likely to encounter, and they are estimated to cost society billions of pounds every year.

 There is strong evidence that these crimes can be prevented by tactics that either remove opportunities to commit crime or act as a deterrent by increasing the chances of an offender being caught.


Measures that the funding will go towards include:

  •  CCTV
  • Improved home security
  • Neighbourhood Watch schemes
  • Street lighting
  • Crime prevention advice


The Home Secretary announced the Safer Streets Fund in October 2019, and PCCs were invited to bid for funding in January this year.

Bids were evaluated against a set criteria and bidders were asked to outline a plan to reduce crime within a local crime hotspot, demonstrating value for money, evidence of community engagement and long-term sustainability.

As they are rolled out, each initiative will be assessed to help inform future Government investments.

The Safer Streets Fund forms part of the Government’s concerted action to tackle crime.  We are recruiting 20,000 additional police officers over the next three years, and the amount of funding available to the policing system for 2020/21 will increase by more than £1.1 billion, totalling £15.2 billion.


A full list of the successful bids and amounts of funding is as follows:

 Avon and Somerset                                       £400,000        

Bedfordshire                                                   £882,150         covering 2 bids

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough                £546,693        

Cheshire                                                         £550,000        

Cleveland                                                        £1,034,696      covering 3 bids

Cumbria                                                          £436,994        

Derbyshire                                                      £514,561        

Devon & Cornwall                                           £546,781        

Dorset                                                             £266,357         covering 2 bids

Durham                                                           £784,278         covering 2 bids

Dyfed Powys                                                   £195,673

Greater Manchester                                        £884,013         covering 2 bids

Hampshire                                                     £549,991

Hertfordshire                                                  £618,629         covering 2 bids

Humberside                                                    £550,000

Kent                                                                £111,005        

Lancashire                                                      £747,010         covering 2 bids

Leicestershire                                                 £1,518,306      covering 3 bids

Lincolnshire                                                    £250,780        

Merseyside                                                     £549,700

Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime            £301,162

Norfolk                                                            £363,164        

North Wales                                                    £1,067,000      covering 2 bids

North Yorkshire                                               £548,980

Northamptonshire                                           £1,375,700      covering 3 bids

Nottinghamshire                                             £550,000

South Wales                                                   £513,410        

South Yorkshire                                              £549,964

Staffordshire                                                   £1,010,000      covering 2 bids

Surrey                                                             £547,791

Sussex                                                            £893,366         covering 2 bids

Thames Valley                                                £972,264         covering 2 bids

West Mercia                                                    £550,000        

West Midlands                                                £549,040        

West Yorkshire                                               £709,311         covering 2 bids


The total funding awarded today totals £22.4m. The remaining funding will be spent on supporting successful areas to deliver their bids, evaluation of the fund’s impact, administration and other activities which support the aims of the fund.