The next Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections will be held on 5 May 2016.

As a Neighbourhood Watch member you are probably already aware of your PCC and what their role entails. You can find out more about the role here:

During the last PCC elections in 2013, 56% of Neighbourhood Watch members surveyed by NHWN voted, compared with 15% of the general population.


This shows just how keen our members are to have an influence on policing and crime reduction in their communities – and that they are prepared to actively do something about it.

We hope that this year’s PCC elections will show an equally strong turnout from our members. Please visit, where information about the candidates will be published nearer the time, and familiarise yourself with their manifestos and plans beforehand, particularly their approach to volunteers in crime prevention and any mention of Neighbourhood Watch.

You may also want to host hustings locally. More information on how to do this will be available soon.