The Countryside Alliance is delighted to announce that the annual Countryside Clean-up has been rescheduled and will take place on 19 and 20 September, following its earlier postponement due to the Coronavirus. 

Building on from the success of this initiative over the past two years, the Countryside Alliance is urging all members and supporters to engage with this community event by taking part in dedicated litter-picking sessions across the country over the two-day period. Whether this be conducted on your own, with your family or in a social-distancing manner with a larger group, we are encouraging everybody who respects the countryside to take part in this initiative to clean up the countryside. 

Fly-tipping and littering in the countryside became one of the many negative side-effects of the pandemic, particularly when local waste recycling centres were shut so the Countryside Clean-up is more important than ever. "There are few things that annoy those living in rural areas as much as mindless littering and our supporters have always been keen to take practical steps to clean up their part of the countryside," explained Tim Bonner, Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance. "Relying on one part of the community to clear up after another is not a satisfactory solution to littering and fly-tipping, however in previous years our supporters have cleaned up miles of roadside verges, footpaths and open spaces and I am sure the same will be true again this September."

To register your litter pick or for more information please go here