Dyfed Powys Neighbourhood Watch Association

Dyfed-Powys (Mid & West Wales) is the largest geographical Neighbourhood Watch area in the UK. We serve the same areas as Dyfed-Powys Police which includes Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys. The area has over one million hectares of agricultural land, more than 350 miles of coastline, and stretches from St David’s in the West to Crickhowell in the East, and up to Welshpool and Machynlleth in the North.

Get in touch!

If you’re interested in joining us on the Committee, or becoming a Main Scheme Coordinator, Deputy Scheme Coordinator or a Volunteer, email enquiries@ourwatch.org.uk 

Local Emergency & Advice Services
Heddlu Dyfed-Powys Police: https://www.dyfed-powys.police.uk/
Welsh Ambulance Services University NHS Trust: https://ambulance.nhs.wales/
Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service: https://www.mawwfire.gov.uk/
NHS Wales: https://111.wales.nhs.uk/?locale=en&term=A
Hywel-Dda University Health Board: https://hduhb.nhs.wales/


Local Authorities
Pembrokeshire County Council: https://www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/
Ceredigion County Council: https://www.ceredigion.gov.uk/
Carmarthenshire County Council: https://www.carmarthenshire.gov.wales/
Powys County Council: https://www.powys.gov.uk/


To report a Police Non-Emergency, call 101. Always call 999 in an emergency. 

Other contacts

Local Policing Team: 101@dyfed-powys.police.uk or phone 101 for General Enquiries & Non-Emergencies - 999 in an emergency.

Police Website: https://www.dyfed-powys.police.uk/