The best and easiest way to protect your home from burglary is to follow the WIDE security combination.

Properties with the WIDE security combination ‑ Window locks, Indoor lights on a timer, Door double or deadlocks and External lights on a timer or sensor - are nearly 50 times more protected from burglary than those with no security.*
In the year ending March 2021 there were over 267,000 burglaries in England and Wales. This was almost one-third less than the year before, and that year had also seen a 9% decline in the numbers of burglaries committed. However, while the numbers are falling we mustn't let ourselves become complacent.
As we exit out of lockdown, more of us are leaving our homes unoccupied once again and opportunists are ready to take advantage of this. As with all types of crime, prevention is much better than cure. Taking simple measures such as locking Windows, leaving Indoor lights on a timer, double locking your Doors and leaving Exterior lights on a sensor setting can greatly reduce your chances of being burgled.
Our burglary prevention pages and burglary checklist give you further advice and tools needed to protect your family and your home from thieves. Our burglary toolkit equips you to run campaigns in your community to spread the word and raise awareness of these prevention measures.
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