In Danes Court Estate in Surrey we have issued every household with a RED & GREEN card to display in their windows. If “all is well”, residents display the green card, and if they need shopping/prescriptions collecting/any other help at all, they display the red card. We have an amazing team of volunteers who check on these cards twice a day (10am & 4pm) and if they see a red card displayed, they ring their doorbell and stand back at a safe distance and ask what help they need.
We have a team of volunteers running the errands. This scheme is working really well and there is such a lovely caring sense of community amongst the 80 households on the estate.
Our volunteers are shopping and picking up medical supplies/prescriptions for anyone who needs it. When flour was scarce, one neighbour ordered a 20k bag of flour and distributed amongst any neighbours who wanted flour, and the same with eggs. We have the local butchers delivering.
We are very lucky with so many fantastic volunteers and such a great community spirit.
It’s great getting to know neighbours who have lived here for years but in “usual” circumstances you never get to meet anyone as they were so “busy".
Danes Court Estate resident
Now everyone has time and everyone wants to help one another.