We have partnered with the Parish Council, Holy Trinity Church and a group of volunteers to set up a group called Help in the Heath. Leaflets have already been delivered to all households and we have already had over 60 volunteers come forward. We are assigning Street Champions to each street in the village and coordinating volunteers with people who need help.
This can be in any form, shopping, collecting prescriptions, transport issues, providing meals, phone calls, gardening etc, etc. Our allotment holders are grouping together to grow vegetables that will be available to the village. We have 3 local pubs who are all providing take away orders and allowing residents to place orders for food/household produce through their wholesalers. They will place the order for you to collect from them the next day. All in all we are very proud of what our village has achieved in such a small amount of time.
The Help in the Heath volunteer scheme is working well and the pubs are a big support to the community.
The challenges that we face as a village, is that we only have one small village shop. This week the bus service from the village to Hertford is cancelled due to roadworks. Many of our vulnerable people are unable to access a shop. Find out more here: https://hertfordheath.org.uk/help