2022 is a special year for us as we are delighted to be celebrating 40 years since the first Neighbourhood Watch group was formed in the UK in 1982. We have since grown to be the largest crime prevention charity in England and Wales with strong brand recognition and an army of dedicated volunteers.
During this year we will be launching various activities for you to do with your family, with your neighbours and in your community, as well as launching a new logo, providing you with an insight to our journey, past, present and future and celebrating the thousands of volunteers who have and continue to support their communities.
We cannot do this alone and we would love for you to join us as we celebrate together! Have a look below and click on the links to find out more.
Neighbourhood Watch special edition 40th anniversary logo
To celebrate this incredible achievement we have launched a special-edition 40th-anniversary logo. With a tested brand recognition of 95%, the 40th-anniversary logo reflects our widely recognisable yellow roundel whilst introducing a softer teal to our colour palette. The new central image celebrates and reflects our communities' uniqueness and togetherness. Neighbourhood Watch groups can use this special-edition logo throughout 2022 or continue using our standard traditional logo. Download the logo here to start using it. View our brand guidelines here.
40 Years, 40 Actions - Neighbourhood Watch Week 2022
We are thrilled to say we have launched our 40 YEARS, 40 ACTIONS Pack for Neighbourhood Watch Week. These activities can be done at any point, but we encourage you to plan one or two during Neighbourhood Watch Week, 30th May – 5th June.
Our 40 YEARS, 40 ACTIONS Pack can be downloaded now, and more information on each activity can be found on the links below (or by clicking on each activity in the pack).
Each activity has some information or linked resources to support you to get started, and we will add to these over the coming months. Pick and choose the ones that work for you and your community. The 40 actions range from easy to hard, free to expense required, and online to face-to-face. They are designed to support you to:
- raise crime prevention awareness
- build more inclusive local networks
- develop community cohesion
- improve community environment and wellbeing
If you plan to do one, two or more of the actions, we encourage you to let us know. Remember to take photos and videos of your activities and we’d love you to share those with us! As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations, we will share stories, pictures and videos that show the inspirational, wide range of things our volunteers do to help raise crime prevention awareness and support communities throughout England and Wales.
Volunteer Recognition Awards

We have launched a Volunteer Recognition Award and the Award in 2022 will recognise the length of time that people have volunteered for Neighbourhood Watch, in particular those that have reached milestones of 5+ years, 10+ years, 25+ years and 40 years. The criteria are that they, or you, have run a local scheme as a Coordinator, or volunteered within an Association for the respective amounts of time. If you are celebrating your 10th year this year, then you would select the 10+ years category. The size of the scheme does not matter, it could be just a few homes or many, ALL volunteers matter to us.
Find out more here.
Further celebrations
We will also shortly be launching a timeline looking at our past, present and future, and promoting 40 activities to support our volunteers to engage with their communities.
However you celebrate this special anniversary, we'd love to hear from you. Send us your stories and photos of your celebrations.